Finance Staff
Purchasing Procedures
- Madison Purchasing Procedures.pdf (161.4 KBs)
- In-County Travel Form MCSB 12-2022.xlsx (30.7 KBs)
- Out of County Travel Form for MCSB.xlsx (39.6 KBs)
- MCSB Vendor App.pdf (263.0 KBs)
- Federal Taxpayer W-9.pdf (129.0 KBs)
Payroll Forms
- Contractor-Daily-Timesheet-Template-Excel.xlsx (16.0 KBs)
- Payroll Timesheet.pdf (21.3 KBs)
- Interim 2023-24 salary schedule pre-negotiations.xlsx (593.0 KBs)
- fw4 2023.pdf (105.3 KBs)
Payroll Information
- Payroll Due Dates Per Pay Code 24-25.xlsx (22.6 KBs)
- Calendars 2024-25.xlsx (46.5 KBs)
- Payroll Due Dates 2022-23 CHANGED 8-15-2022.xlsx (19.2 KBs)
Retirement Information
- Madison County School District Benefit Guide 24-25.Final.pdf (8.4 MBs)
- Madison County School District Benefit Guide 2023-2024.pdf (2.6 MBs)
- BCBS Enrollment Application.pdf (764.5 KBs)
- VSP Enrollment Form.pdf (37.5 KBs)
- Dental Enrollment Application.pdf (449.6 KBs)
- Insurance-Benefits Checklist.docx (45.1 KBs)
- BOARD PAID BENEFIT Maintenance June 21 2022.docx (21.9 KBs)
- BOARD PAID BENEFIT 12- mo administrative June 21 2022.docx (22.3 KBs)
- BOARD PAID BENEFIT custodians June 21 2022.docx (21.8 KBs)
- BOARD PAID BENEFIT teachers June 21 2022.docx (22.6 KBs)
- BOARD PAID BENEFIT food service June 21 2022.docx (21.5 KBs)
- Board Paid Benefits June 21 2022.docx (23.2 KBs)
- BOARD PAID BENEFIT Bus Drivers June 21 2022.docx (21.6 KBs)
Fiscal Transparency
Fiscal Transparency 2019-2022
Annual Financial Reports
- signed complete ESE 139 23-24.pdf (2.4 MBs)
- Signed complete ESE-145 23-24.pdf (5.2 MBs)
- signed complete ESE 348 23-24.pdf (3.5 MBs)
- ESE 348 Complete Approved (2).pdf (8.5 MBs)
- ESE 145 Complete Approved.pdf (2.2 MBs)
- 09 ESE 139 District Summary Budget Approved (2).pdf (7.4 MBs)
- ESE 348 Complete Approved 2022.pdf (553.1 KBs)
- ESE 145 Complete Approved 2022.pdf (605.0 KBs)
- ESE 139 District Summary Budget Approved Signed.pdf (317.0 KBs)
- ESE 348 Complete Approved 2021.pdf (9.6 MBs)
- ESE 145 Complete Approved 2021.pdf (2.8 MBs)
- 09 ESE 139 District Summary Budget Approved 2021.pdf (7.8 MBs)
- Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020 - ESE 348.pdf (6.2 MBs)
- Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020 - ESE 145.pdf (2.3 MBs)
- Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2019.pdf (22.7 MBs)
Audit Reports
- 2024-149 Audit Report.pdf (1.1 MBs)
- 2023-162 2021-22 Financial Audit.pdf (2.3 MBs)
- 2023-004 2021-22 Operational Audit.pdf (1.5 MBs)
- Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020 - Financial.pdf (1.0 MBs)
- Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2019 - Financial.pdf (951.7 KBs)
- Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2019 - Operational.pdf (314.7 KBs)
Truth in Millage 2023-24
- TRIM BUDGET SUMMARY final 2023.docx (11.8 KBs)
- TRIM BUDGET SUMMARY for publication 2023.xlsx (11.3 KBs)
- TRIM TAX INCREASE for publication 2023.xlsx (7.0 KBs)
- TRIM CAPITAL OUTLAY for publication 2023.pdf (433.4 KBs)
Truth in Millage 2022-23
- TRIM BUDGET SUMMARY FINAL 2022-23.pdf (465.8 KBs)
- TRIM CAPITAL OUTLAY 2022 for advertising.pdf (433.7 KBs)
Truth in Millage 2021-2022
- Budget Final TRIM 2021.pdf (466.8 KBs)
- TRIM CAPITAL OUTLAY 2021.pdf (428.9 KBs)
- TRIM TAX INCREASE 2021.pdf (427.9 KBs)
Truth in Millage 2020-2021
- Final Budget 2020-2021.pdf (703.4 KBs)
- Notice of Tax for School Capital Outlay 2020-2021.pdf (34.5 KBs)
Educational Funding Accountability Expenditure Reports
- 2022-23 Educational Funding Accountability report.pdf (112.7 KBs)
- 2022-23 Educational Funding Accountability Act.pdf (37.6 KBs)
- Educational Accountability Expenditure reporting 2022-23.docx (21.1 KBs)
- Educational Funding Accountability Act 2021-22.pdf (99.7 KBs)
- Educational Funding Accountability Act Expenditure reporting 2020-2021.pdf (143.5 KBs)
- Educational Funding Accountability Act Expenditure reporting 2019-2020.pdf (22.1 KBs)
Expenditures Per UFTE
- 22-23 AFR Expenditures per UFTE.pdf (93.4 KBs)
- 2021-22 Expenditures per FTE.pdf (349.9 KBs)
- 20-21student costs per FTE - Madison.pdf (211.1 KBs)
- Expenditures per UFTE 2019-2020.pdf (49.8 KBs)
Equity in School Funding
- DPS.DISTRICT.EC.F70191.D40.Y2223 Equity in Funding.docx (34.7 KBs)
- Equity in School Funding 2021-22.docx (28.5 KBs)
- 2020-21 Equity in School funding.docx (28.8 KBs)
- 2019-20 Equity in Funding.docx (14.2 KBs)
Truth in Millage 2024-25
- TRIM FINAL BUDGET SUMMARY 2024.docx (43.8 KBs)
- TRIM TENTATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY rev. 2024.docx (43.8 KBs)
- TRIM CAPITAL OUTLAY (7).pdf (79.7 KBs)
- TRIM TAX INCREASE (6).pdf (74.3 KBs)