MCSB Board Policy Revisions 18.2
- 1122 - Nondiscrimination & Equal Employment Opportunity.pdf (1.1 MBs)
- 1326 - Anti-Harassment.pdf (3.2 MBs)
- 2260 - Nondiscrimination ^ Access to Equal Educational Opportnity.pdf (2.6 MBs)
- 2623 - Student Assessment.pdf (1.5 MBs)
- 3122 - Nondiscrimination & Equal Employment Opportunity.pdf (1.1 MBs)
- 4122 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity.pdf (1.1 MBs)
- 3362 - Anti-Harassment.pdf (3.2 MBs)
- 4162 - Drug & Alcohol Testing of CDL License Holders & Other Employees Who Perform Sensitive Functions.pdf (1.1 MBs)
- 5120 - Assignment Within District.pdf (378.8 KBs)
- 4362 - Anti-Harassment.pdf (3.2 MBs)
- 5225 - Absences for Religious Holidays.pdf (1.3 MBs)
- 5517 - Anti-Harassment.pdf (3.1 MBs)
- 5517.03 - Dating Violence and Abuse.pdf (859.6 KBs)
- 5517.02 - Sexual Violance.pdf (1.6 MBs)
- 5610-In-School Discipline.pdf (172.6 KBs)
- 5610 Removal, Out-of-School Suspension, Disciplinary Placement, and Expulsion of Students.pdf (1.9 MBs)
- 6233 - District Budget.pdf (500.1 KBs)
- 6320 - Purchasing and Contracting for Commodities and Contractual Services.pdf (2.3 MBs)
- 6320-Purchasing & Contracting for Commodities and Contractual Services.pdf (2.3 MBs)
- 6322-Construction Contracting and Bidding.pdf (1.7 MBs)
- 6325 - Procurement - Federal Grants-Funds.pdf (1.4 MBs)
- 6610-School Internal Funds.pdf (1.9 MBs)
- 7530-Staff & School officials Use of Wireless communication.pdf (1.2 MBs)
- 8315-Information Management.pdf (626.7 KBs)
MCSB Board Policy Revisions 19.1
- 1590-Personnel File.pdf (396.1 KBs)
- 1140-Suspension or Dismissal of Administrators.pdf (162.9 KBs)
- 165.3 Special and Emergency Meetings.pdf (575.4 KBs)
- 2371-Hope Scholarships.pdf (276.9 KBs)
- 2623-Student Assessment.pdf (1.5 MBs)
- 3140 - Suspension or Dismissal of Instructional Staff.pdf (383.3 KBs)
- 3590 - Personnel File.pdf (396.7 KBs)
- 4162 - Drug & Alcohol Testing of CDL License Holders & Other Employees Who Perform Sensitive Functions.pdf (1.2 MBs)
- 2215-Program of Instruction.pdf (976.6 KBs)
- 4590 - Personnel File.pdf (397.5 KBs)
- 5113 - School of Choice Options Provided by Federal Law.pdf (253.6 KBs)
- 5112-Entrance Requirements.pdf (600.4 KBs)
- 5200 - Attendance.pdf (1.1 MBs)
- 5460 - Graduation Requirements.pdf (1.1 MBs)
- 6233 - District Budget.pdf (500.1 KBs)
- 5780 - Student & Parent Rights.pdf (2.5 MBs)
- 6322-Construction Contracting and Bidding.pdf (1.7 MBs)
- 6320 - Purchasing and Contracting for Commodities and Contractual Services.pdf (2.3 MBs)
- 6325 - Procurement - Federal Grants-Funds.pdf (1.4 MBs)
- 7310 - Disposition of Surplus Property.pdf (399.4 KBs)
- 6610-School Internal Funds.pdf (1.9 MBs)
- 8141-Mandatory Reproting of Misconduct.pdf (672.5 KBs)
- 8462 - Student Abuse, Abandonment, and Neglect.pdf (597.5 KBs)
- 8420 - Emergency Management, Emergency preparedness, and Emergency Response Agencies.pdf (520.7 KBs)
- 8805 - Model Policy on Religious Expression in Public Schools (1).pdf (365.3 KBs)
- 8805 - Model Policy on Religious Expression in Public Schools.pdf (365.3 KBs)
- 8500 - Food Service Program.pdf (1.4 MBs)
- 9800 - Charter Schools.pdf (6.2 MBs)